Our Member Services
Join Umbrella Club to unlock the services and support to grow a thriving career as an independent IT contractor.
Here’s Everything you can access as an Umbrella Club Member
An all-inclusive membership with Umbrella Club gives you access to a range of exclusive benefits. We break these down into five categories, each designed to give you an edge in your business as an independent IT consultant.
Enhance your networking skills and outsource your sales outreach.
With Umbrella Club, you’ll have a dedicated sales representative actively searching and helping you search for your next contract opportunity. So if sales aren’t your specialty, that’s no longer a limit for you.
Beyond knowing the latest IT skills, the best IT contractors also know how to network. Our members not only get support to find new clients but also support to enhance their networking skills.
With Umbrella Club, you’ll become an in demand IT Professional
- CV Optimisation: Enhancing and tailoring your CV for maximum effect
- Sales Upskilling: Recommendations to add education and training.
- Sales Training: We help you sell your services more effectively.
- 1:1 Support: Personalised support to help you find work.
- New Connections: Be connected to our partner network
- Personal Sales Coach: Get an expert guide to enhance your sales skills.
Earn more through our recruitment referral program.
Our Umbrella Club team has connections to many partner organisations and a broader network of companies seeking IT professionals. Hiring abilities, we can source team members for you and get paid when you identify job opportunities and let us know.
- Skilled Hiring: With expertise in recruitment, we can find excellent staff – fast.
- Expand Your Team: Want to add team members to your business? We can help you.
- Refer and Earn: Generate a percentage of all recruitment transactions you’re involved with.
Managed admin and guaranteed invoice payments.
Admin is a burden for most contractors. But with Umbrella Club, it doesn’t have to be. With our admin service and guaranteed invoice system, you can spend your time servicing your clients while we handle the rest.
- Guaranteed Fortnightly Pay: You’ll be paid on time every two weeks.
- Done-for-You Admin: We manage your admin and give you more time to do what you do best.
- No More Overdue Invoices: If your client doesn’t pay you, we pay you.
We bring community and connection to IT contracting.
While being a contractor has its benefits, it’s also a highly independent role– sometimes this brings isolation from workplace events and an in-person team. As a member of Umbrella Club, you can access a range of community events that allow you to connect with like-minded colleagues from your specific industry.
- Exclusive Events: Access exciting member-only events.
- Meet Your Community: Take the isolation out of contracting and connect with your peers.
- Upskill and Connect: Learn from other members and grow your network.
Access world-class education and support from IT experts.
Our members get first and exclusive access to the latest IT knowledge and support. Through our training, help desk, and other various learning opportunities, you remain at the forefront of the industry.
- 24/7 Help Desk: Need support? We’re here for you on call.
- Learning Events: Supercharge your learning with our learning opportunities.
- Personal Annual Study Budget: Upskill when you take advantage of your annual personal learning budget.
- Learn From Industry Experts: Access the latest advice from industry leaders.
![A smooth gradient background transitioning from light blue on the left to a deep blue on the right, with hints of purple and magenta near the top left, creating a serene and calming visual effect.](https://umbrellaclub.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/vivid-blurred-colorful-wallpaper-background-1.jpg)
Ready to Join?
Apply for Membership Today
If you want to access all these benefits and more, we invite you to join us. Your opportunity to build your IT career on your terms is here – take the next step and apply today.
We invite you to submit your application today.