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About Us

Umbrella Club is an exclusive community where we connect and empower Tech, Digital and IT specialists and entrepreneurs.

Umbrella Club: Changing The IT Contracting Landscape

As an independent contractor, finding a sense of community is crucial for maintaining your well-being and long-term success. Engaging with like-minded individuals can provide numerous benefits, such as motivation, collaboration, and learning opportunities.

We firmly believe that when independent professionals work as part of a community, with the benefits that come with entrepreneurship, they can find the perfect balance to thrive within their IT career.

Why Umbrella Club?

Umbrella Club was founded to solve a problem that we ourselves encountered when evaluating the independent contractor space.

Not only did we notice the lack of community available to IT contractors, we wanted to create a safe space for IT experts to branch out into the world of contracting under the protection of our umbrella.

We provide you with peace of mind that you will have access to a consistent income, unrivalled learning opportunities, administrative support as well as family and social events.

That’s why we say we offer “the best of both worlds”.

Meet the Founders

A man with short, light brown hair and a light complexion is smiling. He is wearing a blue blazer over a light blue, partially unbuttoned dress shirt. The background of the image is transparent.

Walter Buter

Founder and CEO

Walter is the Founder and CEO of Umbrella Club. Walter previously built a successful IT company, InWork, with more than 800 employees. His secret to success is to build professional but also personal relationships within his network. By doing so, people seek to do long term business with Walter and of course, his members. Walter is eager to help our members find the most interesting projects for the best fee as part of the Umbrella Club community.
A person with short hair, wearing a dark blazer over a red checkered shirt, stands against a white background, looking at the camera with a slight smile.

Arno Commandeur


As co-founder of Umbrella Club, Arno brings his valuable experience from his time as CEO and owner of several companies. During this time, Arno developed a deep appreciation for the power of communities of independent professionals. When individual contractors band together – the rewards are great! Together with Walter Buter, Arno now brings a new kind of community to Australia as Umbrella Club.